Sunday, July 15, 2012

18 days to Edinburgh Fringe

I had a free weekend this weekend. Felt like I should be doing something to prepare for Edinburgh, but everything is done. Now I'm just waiting to go. Ready to go. Not feeling afraid but there's a feeling of anticipation, like I'm about to embark on some fantastic adventure - in a way I've already embarked on it really - it feels like I'm in a movie, almost like this is not about to happen to me... but it is.
I'm going to meet new people and things are going to happen to me that haven't happened to me before.
(Note to self: I need to produce more of these things/adventures. It's a good feeling. )
It's like going on a 'ride' (in a fair) that has a mind of it's own and you don't know where you're going to end up when you come off that ride. It might not even be same fair at all.
A part of me wants to know what's going to happen but another doesn't.Like a movie, I don't want to be told the ending.

Do I have expectations? Mmmm... yes... but I'm pleased to say that my expectations are quite 'loose' because I realize that I don't really know all the possible outcomes.

And even if no outcome 'appears' to happen and it turns out to be just another thing that I did - well then I 'just did it' and that in itself is an outcome. i think like most things in life, the actual journey IS the goal. And when a 'Goal' is achieved,  it becomes a stepping stone to the next journey.

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